SpeedyHobbit Armstrong

SpeedyHobbit Armstrong


on a long hiatus because LARPing stole my muse

Long Island, NY
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About Me

My name is Cher Armstrong, also known as Speedy Hobbit. I'm a USATF athlete in racewalking for the Raleigh Walkers club team.

I just graduated from Queens College in Queens borough in New York City. I majored in Library and Information Studies. I was also the secretary of Queens College Circle K (a service-oriented organization) and the vice president of Environmental Club and the Library and Information Studies Student Association (LISSA for short). I was also a member of the Center for Ethnic, Racial and Religious Understanding (CERRU for short), the Volunteer Corps, and GLASA (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Alliance- though I'm asexual so none of those). I gave campus tours as a Student Ambassador, organized the Fall 2012 Midnight Run (a food, clothing and toiletry drive for homeless persons) with over a dozen student clubs. That was especially awesome because the executive boards of clubs that NEVER interacted before that event met one another and a lot of new partnerships formed that day.

I work as a personal trainer, receptionist and salesperson. I also like to write (I know, obvious fact here) and aspire to be a published author. I'm a member of Riverhead Kiwanis. Needless to say, I wear many hats. I could be called a Jill of All Trades. Not really an expert in anything but I know enough to get by about a plethora of things.

Stories about my Fantasy Continent
1. Life-Altering News 7-year-old Kiran receives bad news that will cut his childhood short and yield a profound effect upon the next decade of his life.
2. "Chance Collision" Kiran, recently accepted by the Order of Heironeus as a paladin under the condition that he successfully complete a year at Bolingbarke University and prove their investment in him worthy, learns that while his parents were common soldiers, his mostly aristocratic and wealthy peers are not so different from his as he originally thought.
2. 11 Most Foolish Battle Strategies of the Past 500 Years (Written by Kiran Mani's history professor in CC (Common Calendar) 3000- a sort of frivolous write I did when bored to develop my world a bit)
2. Sharing is Caring, CC3001- 5-year-old Folco Foxtrot just started school and isn't exactly used to having to share with other kids- he might have siblings but they all have their own things.
3. What is your Father? CC 3001- 5-year-old Folco tries to explain an occupation he doesn't entirely understand himself yet to a playmate.
4. Democracy's End, CC3009-3010- Dremeadow's dysfunctional ruling Council becomes officially defunct and is replaced with a monarchy.
5. Fallen Ones Things have been relatively stable in Dremeadow for five years, but a holiday disaster sends the kingdom declining into unprecedented grim circumstances.
6. Traitor Princess Xenia, a fugitive from Dremeadow, has been living the expatriate life for 5 years under an alias. She thinks she's safe but her past will soon return to haunt her in a big way.

Favorite Books
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, the Goong manhwa series, the Death Note manga series, Spy Princess, Hunger Games, Divergent, Mists of Avalon, the Alanna books by Tamora Pierce, Victoria Rebels, and the President's Daughter series by Ellen Emerson White.

Social Media
Twitter: @speedyhobbit and @CherArmstrongPT
Tumblrs: armstrongracewalks, speedyhobbit
Instagram: speedyhobbit (noticing a pattern yet?)
Snapchat: speedyhobbit
Youtube: speedyhobbit13
Facebook: speedyhobbitarmystrong
Livejournal: speedyhobbit (most of my entries are friends only, just comment on a public asking for an add and I'll add you)

Read Requests
I do accept read requests, but be warned that I rarely read and especially rarely review poetry. I'm far more fond of prose. Also, I'm definitely not the love song, love poetry, love story type. I can also be a space cadet about reciprocating reviews. The best thing you can do is send me a read request (for a story or book preferably) after you review one of my stories or chapters to stare at me until I get bothered enough by my RR count to get to it.


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Posted 9 Years Ago

Speedy!!!! You still out here?

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Posted 9 Years Ago

My muse is only cooperating with sappy romances...

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Thanks!! It's only been a lifetime! XD

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Thanks! Did you happen to boot your stories back up yet? I know youve been busy with race walking lately.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Congrats on the Top Writer badge Cher. : )

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I think it's just based on the raw numbers of people clicking on and reading your book.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

You should be seeing lots of pencils right about now! :D

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Posted 10 Years Ago

What does USATF stand for? Is that a part of the military?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

awesome. Do you know the dates already?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I've come a cross some of that. I get confused and wonder if they're attempting an epic poem... then I realize they aren't...