Sarah : Writing

Messing With Some Words

Messing With Some Words

A Poem by Sarah

we're all mixed up in this crazy game. so lost that we're willing to give up everything just for one thing. fighting for all the wrong reasons. h..


A Poem by Sarah

life just turned upside down, and im stuck sitting on fire with my hands tied behind my back. Struggling to live. Struggling to understand. ..
Dear Me

Dear Me

A Poem by Sarah

Dear Me- What did you do? Now, time is passing so slowly. Dear Me- Why do you expect her to be truthful? Now, look at you, getting your heart bro..
What We Do

What We Do

A Poem by Sarah

Her eyes blurry blue And sinking below Eye level. Some where your Flying into a memory. I wish to follow Deep inside you mind. I seek the gold..

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