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About Me

I'm fourteen, African-American/black, female, Christian. I love to write but I know work needs a lot of work so all constructive feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading (=


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey. Please post something for us to read. I am "Bee" deprived. Your talent is missed. Hope to see a few things posted before end of summer. :-)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Christmas was great. New year is looking better, my business is picking up more clients. I still have to work on time for writing. Be blessed. ttyl

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Happy New Year

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey there young lady. Don't let the loss of old work cause a loss of new work. Just write more ... and save it someplace else too.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

haha..that's neat..i have a zebra's been like almost 10 years since i bought it and it's still small and cute. it's probably about 12 years old by now...hehe..
about the sis and i did think of one plan to scare him or her the joke shop, they have this fart spray where we could spray it around the house and at night, if a robber goes in, he'll have to survive the smell of it before he gets then..we would have to spray a lot of perfume and stuff to get rid of the smell. it's pretty nasty dangergous..but it's not we have anything really valuable in our don't think they'll have any luck finding anything.
so as for now...i guess i'll be watching house of flying daggers with my dad..he's bored and lonely since my mom is gone. dad is 100% fully recovered from cancer...they were able to get the tumor out! so now i spend more time with my dad. :) love ya and have fun!

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Posted 17 Years Ago's almost like email. i can't believe it's been this long since we first met..that's many many months passed and now it's almost a year. but anyways, puppies are cute..i love the puppies that are still small when they're an adult..although they don't really come in handy when a robber breaks in your house or something..but still..small dogs are supercute! but i like some big dogs too like the golden retriever. but mom won't let me cause she hates cleaning up after them even though i try to convince her that i'll do the cleaning. but a bird for a pet is good too. hehe

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Posted 17 Years Ago should get a sister!'s fun in a way but then there's the disadvantages..especially having an older sister..but at least she drives you to places most of the time..:)..i love american eagle! especially their shorts and polo shirts. i'm so happy you got your ears pierced..i repierced mine last year and since then, i've been splurging on's probably the only things i don't get tired of splurging but i like to buy them in packs..probably like a 8 piece pack for like 3 bucks or something. for love has a lot of good bargain deal earrings and they're really cute!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

i agree with you about the nordstrom part...their shoes are expensive..i can't believe you only shop 4 times a year!!! at least this summer, i shopped for three days straight before i went on vaca to find some summer clothes and now, i've been shopping to find school clothes..but that's only this year..the past years, i didn't shop much. i don't really like shopping a lot cause first of all it takes...1. time 2.stressing when you can't find anything 3.a big energy bummer when you're finding sales

but the shops i like are wet seal, nordstrom or nordstrom rack (has a lot of good deals), old navy (love their flip flops), forever 21, for love 21, hollister, macy's, nordstrom (although i rarely shop there unless some sale comes up), abercrombie & fitch, the body shop, bath & body works, express, guess, victoria's secret (perfume + lotion=good), claire's, icing (both stores have really good earrings), lucky (lucky jeans!), GAP.....haha..that's a lot of stores..and i'm still trying to think of some more stores i shop at....but that probably sums up everything...but you see..i don't shop much and don't really like to shop much either...the above stores are just the stores my sis drags me too..hehe

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Posted 17 Years Ago's an HP PC...I like Macs and all but before when I used them, they kept on freezing...but I love their's so cute! Hey...what are the places you like to shop at? I can't believe that summer is almost over...almost time for my mourning ceremony where I mourn that summer will be gone soon...awww...:(((((((((...okie..I won't think about school..I won't think about school...argh..too late..I'm already thinking about it now.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

haha..i'm not rich! my parents save up for the vacations we take..but anyways, my laptop is glossy black and has a cool swirly design all over..but that's about it. i really wish you had IM cause then I could use my webcam to talk to you..hehe. Well..I g2g..have to catch an appointment. Love ya! :)