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Wellington, New Zealand
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About Me

I believe that flowers aren't poisonous until you touch them. And that fallen petals are one of the most tragic sights in the world.
I believe that all men are actors and actors are all men.
I believe in love at first sight.
I believe that man is his own worst enemy.
I believe that politics are one of the most important foundations of humanity, but that politicians are corrupt.
I believe that the Greeks got it right.
I believe that if none of us ever lost sight of who we were as a six year old, there would be no more war.
I believe in the healing-capabilities of music, and that the greatest piece ever written was Debussy's Clair de Lune.
I believe that snail slime has magic healing properties.
I believe in karma.
I believe that mediocrity is the simplist form of evil.
I believe that hypocrisy will be the death of the western world.
I believe that you can't always believe what you hear on the news.
I believe that when you push your body to the limits, but still manage to grin, you've found a new level of happiness.
I believe that sustainability isn't a new thing, and they did it much better thousands of years ago in africa than we ever will.
I believe that these days are the best days of your life.
I believe that we're all made of stardust.
I believe in the simple joys of laughter, singing in the shower, skipping stones on the river, and roadtripping with friends.
I believe in hugs.
I believe that we're smarter than we seem.
I believe that none of us ever even realise our potential.
I believe in the art of small talk, and the power of holding a paint brush in your hand.
I believe that creativity will save the world, if we let it.
I believe in philosophy, astronomy, and history.
I believe the past is more important than the present, but the future is the most important of all.
I believe that you'll cry when i die, but i'll die anyway.
I believe that language is too ambiguous to be understood.
I believe that words mean nothing and words mean everything.
I believe that not only the fittest will survive.
I believe in tomorrow.

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