"For ours is not a conflict with mere flesh and blood,but with the despotisms,the empires,the forces that control and govern this dark world..."
For a long time,
I travelled the earth,
Like a vagabond,
Enslaved to a dark life,
I gave myself to you,
Unaware o..
It was a cool evening,
The most unusual of days,
For a battle within the mind,
And while I pondered,
Throwing words at myself,
I remembered,
A s..
We awake every morning,
From our slumber,
Each day lived,
In an unlikely manner,
Far above the world of others,
Our senses refuse to rest,
Its a..
I opened my eyes,
Nothing but darkness in sight,
Lost and confused,
A chilly feeling moved through my body,
And hope was nowhere to be found,
It ..
From a broken home,
I emerged,
With enough memories,
Written in my eyes,heart and mind,
Telling me,
Love is reality's enemy,
So when you told me..
Behind the mask,
I observe,
Life lived by everyone but me,
A choice I made,
Quite long ago,
I lost it all,
In the twinkle of an..
Far,far away,
A distant memory,
Lost on the shores of time,
Was my fragile heart buried,
I journey back,
To when it was all perfect,
And everything mo..