M. Wriston

M. Wriston


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Baltimore, MD
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About Me

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I was born in Maryland, which is mostly a waste of space, all except for maybe that western part. The hills there are nice, and some of the people are worthwhile. Into photography, though nothing spectacular. One time, I got this picture of a seagull flying over the Baltimore harborfront. I think it is the best picture I've ever taken. When I was only a little bit younger, I joined the Air Force. I wanted to travel. They took me to Texas, to California, and then they brought me back to Maryland. I don't know why anyone would do that to another person, but living here you kind of get the sense that any brotherly love that people think might exist is pretty much bullshit. I did get married while I was out, though, and she followed me home and I kept her and we made a baby and he is mostly the reason (ironically enough) that I have not yet gone entirely insane. My greatest attribute is my ability to look the other way. I can also write a mean story.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Just a note of welcome. Hope you enjoy it here and I look forward to reading your work.