Francis Myerick : Writing



A Poem by Francis Myerick

the dream version of dad's girlfriend doesn't sound so bizarre as the real one. i mean, the sobby noises that come out of his speaker phone ar..


A Poem by Francis Myerick

today's my birthday.
when you win the sweepstakes

when you win the sweepstakes

A Poem by Francis Myerick

(new years) things we'll let go of: we burned these slips of paper in a metal casserole dish celine, fear of rats. "time to go away..
why i can't write anymore

why i can\'t write anymore

A Poem by Francis Myerick

i feel smushed. remember the way you'd swing on your stomach? as a kid? for the up-right, spaceman lift? all your weight released, suspended, th..
boy, blue

boy, blue

A Poem by Francis Myerick

as a child i owned a plastic projection machine that worked with the slides of those red viewfinders. my favorite part of church was the our father b..
to james gladney, all of you

to james gladney, all of you

A Poem by Francis Myerick

there are things i keep quiet in post-coital sleepy: your passing not-looks to stop hearts "he was so dreamy..." the lying awake won..
it's undecided yet. the title i mean.

it\'s undecided yet. the title i mean.

A Poem by Francis Myerick

more fantasies of sleeping in your clean house.


A Poem by Francis Myerick

i use words like psychedelic and I drink out of a Sigg bottle. does that make me a hippy?
The House

The House

A Poem by Francis Myerick

they say jesu, but it was really you to think back on lightbulbs and shards that tore through had stored one more that even your hat couldn't..

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