Dear depression,Nice to see you again. We met years ago,Ten years old I was. You started as just the "Summer blues."But you wereOh so much more. Schoo..
I will no longer keep this a secret.
Natalia Ermacora placed her fingers on her phone after she received a text message. No thoughts crossed her mind, as usual. She was consumed in her ow..
Jordon Trent adjusted his cranberry red tie. He admired his clean shave, wrinkle-free clothes, and his perfect dark brown hair. Tonight was the night...
James Blair was a callous type. He showed almost no emotion; when he did, it was subtle. His little sister was on her magenta bike and her hands were ..
The soft, white snowflakes gracefully dropped from the sky and coated the Earth. There was a chill in the air that nipped at your fingers, begging for..
Natalia's bare feet touched the soft carpet beneath her. The sunlight shone through the windows that were tinted with frost. The slight chill in her h..
Natalia's eyes fluttered as she regained consciousness. A hand was placed on her back. She started to stir, letting out a groan. A heavy feeling was w..
Jordon's alarm clock yelled at him. He groaned. His bed was soft and warm like a loaf of bread, his body was relaxed. Jordon's arm extended from under..
Jordon Trent heavily reached up and put his arm on James's shoulder. "How's it goin'?" Jordon slurred. He laid a sloppy kiss on his cheek and James gr..