A Story by smon
We are born as slugs - open/vulnerable to the wonders/dangers of the world.Wonder keeps us slugs.Danger makes us snails.We must remember that when the..
A Poem by smon
Plod, plod, plod,Plod, tap, plod, tap, plod, tap.You catch up to me.A greeting.I yawn.And yes, YES!You, burning in my periphery,Yawn in echo. Ahh.I cr..
A Poem by smon
Wind!Blast me up with swirls of leavesinto the scape of blueand shed the skinthat taints to winth'approval of its kin
A Poem by smon
An attempt at recalling. I put this up on WC ages ago but lost the original :(
A Poem by smon
He had carried her heart in his hands.In the luxury of sterile corridors,Her red voice was screaming through the white,His mind battled back, blue and..
A Poem by smon
i held a beautiful thingin my ugly handsand it did not make me beautifulbecause the beatiful thingthat i held in my handswas love of beauty not love o..
A Poem by smon
Dancing together.
A Poem by smon
I lose sleep when I am happy;I live in fear of my own dreams -That they just might come true;Stretching my capacity for fun and boredom inbetween -My ..
A Poem by smon
i recollect from memory's crypt that i had wept while you had slipped out into night and like a knife made cuts into our past. you'd bled the vein, no..
A Poem by smon
the prints I leave do not forgivemy haunts they grieve, they beg to livedo not come back till you've done goodmade peace with past and understoodthe y..