As he watched the children,They would laugh and play.Looked over a way to them,The police he knew on way.The children were laughing,The children try t..
When you first started cursing,You’ve got soap in your mouth.They’d say there’s no swearing,They’d ground you for a month.Pare..
Once there was a very poor man,He needed to get off these streets.So he wished for this for a reason,Spare change ma’am? He pleads.The lady he a..
In the nightfall, there was a girl,She wanted nothing for safety.One day she wanted the world,Then she realized it’s imaginary.Once she was out ..
Life is mysterious as we know,I just can’t overthink a reason.Fighting hurts doesn’t it show?Seeing the fights and bleeding.Ain’t wo..
It’s faith that will set us free,It’s true that says it’s a love.Just don’t think it so harshly,Just I say you’re so bea..
Tonight it’s just you and me,I’m just here because of you.Our love is like cute puppies,I love how you’re loving too.Our love is lik..
Maybe I’m not so perfect,It seems I’m not smarter.You’ve made my world it,At times it may be harder.All I’ve wondered for is y..