The angels are watchingme fall, shadows in the skytheir callused handsreaching up tocatch me
...and her demons dragged her down.
(Since I don't have enough room in the description, I'm going to write this here instead.)After miraculously surviving a freak accident involving a tr..
The storm was still young when the boy found her there, bleeding out by the side of the rail road tracks. She was laying perfectly still upon the exac..
When the girl opened her eyes again, she found herself trapped beneath a sterile white blanket. A plain white hospital gown covered her frail bones. H..
She woke up the next morning with a pounding headache.Bleak, grey rays of sunlight spilled through the black lace drapes, falling upon the sleeping fo..
"Sienna!"It only took about half a week for her new clothes to arrive at the house, and when they did, she took her sweet time collecting them. She st..
"Sienna."The young adult awakened with a gasp. Gray sunlight poured from the skies upon her like tears; an eery, blazing warmth cocooned her shivering..
Before Sienna's consciousness was fully restored, before she thought of Jason or Myst, she thought of the mysterious horned being. She vaguely recalle..