It seems to be yesterday, i was okay andfree from thoughts and i sleep freelyit is finally here, to take mewithout allowing me become a full grown adu..
Family and Love, two lovely words they are but can get bad when you have to choose one of it. how worse can this be? just find out here in this liter..
Women, as called are beautiful,In their different waysYour difference from others is the source of your beautyTrying to act or be what you are not hur..
A Chapter by bianca
CHAPTER ONE, ''Eva Richie'' is a pretty black_american lady,has a light brown skin,long dark curly hair, loved-shaped type of mouth, cat eyes of..
A Chapter by bianca
CHAPTER THREE EVA. It's been three days since i left home for home, i left happy, glad that i'm going to find my..
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A Chapter by bianca
CHAPER THREE EVA I just met someone, i have had many auditions but yet this is the first time i'm noticing my auditor,..
It's a tragic type of book that involves love and reality, it is rather a story telling of a lady with a great dream whom fell in love with the wrong ..