Close my eyessleep overtakes my weary soul.Arrive in a place; reality or dream?my question go unawsered.Sight something stirkes;a thron-filled emerald..
Love, in younger days; our separation was my choice;alone.IfI could reform the past; remake to my liking.Keep the puzzle pieces; prefer a yawn ball un..
I wonder when I shall be taken?The thought is out of curiousity.I never thought the line wouldrun long before it happened;but how?shall I help the tak..
In a dark and unadorned room; I sitThrough the window; the majesty of the outside world.That mother nature painted; so beautifullyfull brush strokes.I..
Look atthat faceit is but,a maskBeams of joy and happinessHidesdeepdesolation;tremendousturmoil;Molded long agoCould not have beenmadepiecebypieceFor ..
I come across a woman;sinking in quicksand.She does not struggleknowingit will only make her sink faster.I realize;she has come to this decision;not o..