Lindsay Lukens : Writing

They Only Call Me Angel When They're On the Way Out

They Only Call Me Angel When They\'re On the Way O..

A Poem by Lindsay Lukens

This is the predicessor to 'Any Epiphany After...' He said I'd always be his angel, and no one had called me that since the noght my best friend died...


A Poem by Lindsay Lukens

Its the story of my date with my 'brother' and all-time favorite person when I took him out for his birthday. We were always playing boyfriend and gir..
Today Someone Asked Me if I was Happy with My Life

Today Someone Asked Me if I was Happy with My Life

A Poem by Lindsay Lukens

This is not a happy poem. Its not the MOST disturbing, but I think its beautiful anyway...of course I'm biased...
This Wind that Is Blowing My Mind

This Wind that Is Blowing My Mind

A Poem by Lindsay Lukens

Another poem about love and trees. Its about the one I fell so hard for and inspired me so, so much...
This is My Life, There's No Escaping That

This is My Life, There\'s No Escaping That

A Poem by Lindsay Lukens

I know we like to title our poems with first lines, so I switched it up and titled this with the last line! Its not really THAT depressing...and I'm s..
My Favorite Freckle

My Favorite Freckle

A Poem by Lindsay Lukens

While technically this is an object poem, that's really just a nice way of classifying another song of worship to my Tiger... This is erotic if you ge..
The Truth About Dragons

The Truth About Dragons

A Poem by Lindsay Lukens

Another oldie but goodie. This is a really sardonic look a politics and society. Funny I guess...
The Mermaids

The Mermaids

A Poem by Lindsay Lukens

This is AT LEAST ten years old...


A Story by Lindsay Lukens

I've had this idea forever about a group of friends driving across country to see the ocean for the first time. This is sort of like the beginning and..
Shades of Blue (Febuary 14, 2007)

Shades of Blue (Febuary 14, 2007)

A Poem by Lindsay Lukens

I like to consider myself a 'hopefull' romantic. Being such I really enjoy Valentine's Day (sappy, I know). Anyway, last year my heart was in a zillio..

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