Have the biggest eyes that see right into your soul and back again.Offer a steady shoulder to cry on.Remember that listening is sometimes better than ..
The sky turns a deep shade of blueas the golden leaves spiral down around us.I step with my horse over a wooden bridge,marveling at the surrounding fo..
See you soon.See you.Were the last words you said.To me.Though your eyes spokewhat you couldnot say.Goodbye, forever.Goodbye.Forever.
So this poem is about dance. For me, I use dance to make art of my life, and I hope you all have something that makes you truly you.
It's terrible, really.The life we live.Fake.But perfect.It's wonderful, really.The dreams I once had.golden.But so far out of reach.
So this poem is a personal one, as are most writing pieces. I would like to hear your feedback, and if there's anyone out there with any stories to te..
I am running, Faster,Faster.Trying desperately to reachYou.Only to figure outThat you areUnreachable.Too late.I am graspingAt Nothing butThe mist,Sear..
A steady stream of waterRains down on me from aboveSteaming.Burning.Cleansing.Glass kisseshurt.They leavebruises.Black,blue,and purple.Love.On myskin,..