Nathan Dietmeier

Nathan Dietmeier


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Anaheim, CA
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About Me

A guy whose fed up with the norm in society, whose tired of being told of what to think, whose tired of being conditioned by outside influences.
20 and still in college I�m an anthropology major creative writing minor. Don�t know what the hell I want to do, I am just enjoying life one day at a time and learning all I can. Next semester of school I am going to be me in Japan.
I am constantly trying to improve as a writer so I enjoy the constructive negative comments along with the positive ones.
And only being able to list your three favorite books is unjust, you should be able to list at least ten.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Are you back from your travels?

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thank you for the reviews, I really hope to read your work soon.

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Posted 18 Years Ago


(1) Each one of you asked me to be your friend.
(2) The purpose of being friends is to comment on each other's work.
(3) If the purpose is not met, the writer has no means of knowing whether his work meets professional standards or not.
(4) If you do not have the time to review my work, please let me know and we can cancel the friendship. Others out there might be more interested and I don't want to have too many friends to whom I cannot do justice.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for your comments on Jesus the Messiah? but this was not a treatise or a study of the subject. It was simply to show people like you that the Bible can be interpreted differently from the Christian perspective. It was there to make you want to go back to the source and see for yourself if this interpretation were feasible. If I had loaded it with references, it would have no attraction for readers on this site. It would be for scholars. It was not meant to force you into believing that what is written here is the truth. It was to say - go and find out if it is the truth. But thanks for your review and for taking the trouble to comment so fully.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

thanks for the comments...and for being honest