My face dripped with sweat and ran down my back and neck in the oppressive heat. I carefully placed my feet on the recent barefoot footprints on the w..
False reports of friendly casualties sent a medic into an area that was to be bombed by F4 Phantom jets.
As the mid-sized Boeing 727, a T-tailed jet with trio rear-mounted jet engines and unique rear airstair for passenger loading and unloading approached..
In the hot sweltering heat, which seemed to take the strength from me, and feeling older than twenty-eight, I walked down the winding jungle path, try..
A civilian medic working for RMK-BRJ assigned to US AirForce base military base at Chu Lai, Vietnam, underwent frequent Viet Cong Rocket attacks and t..
During Vietnam war, an American medic is taken to a hamlet near an ancient religious sexual rite Cham Temple.
Big Naval Guns It was somewhat a quiet night in the fall of 1969 whensuddenly a starling thunderous rumbling vibrating high pi..
In a dramatic encounter, a Vietnamese village boy creeps up to physical inspect a resting American.
Africa adventure
The freezing winter wind stung my face as I left the Cessna 180, it was my last free fall skydiving parachute jump at the Big Fork junction in Montana..