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A Poem by kaycee

The Sea The Sea

A Poem by kaycee

Out to Sea Out to Sea

A Poem by kaycee

Knowing Knowing

A Poem by kaycee

Dimes Dimes

A Poem by kaycee

Animals Animals

A Poem by kaycee

I Can Never I Can Never

A Poem by kaycee

About Me

i am twenty one and i write it as a i feel it.

i don't take myself too seriously.

also, please don't use my work without my permission. thanks!


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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks for the reviews. and for appreciating my 'about me'. it was mostly inspired by reading this goofy a*s bio that some dude on my friends list posted. seriously, it was the goofiest s**t i've ever read, apart from his god-awful poetry. ha.

and yes, i love punk.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks for both of your kind reviews. :]

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks so much for your review. I think FML is one of my favorite pieces I've done in a while. :]

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Posted 16 Years Ago

in head over heels I was referring to being upside down as just chaotic disorder not necessarily when you are at your worst but the combination is deadly in my opinion haha

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Your welcome. I just posted a new one actually.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks. I don't feel the epic bad about it, that most people expect. Because without her illness, and extreme hardship. I'd be a really boring poet.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

*jumps on your new stuff*
Yeah.. I don't mind living at home..
Its just kinda hard cause I'm here to help take care of my moms health and such.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Haha. Yeah. I'm in college myself, but living with my younger sister and mom helping support them. So I have my own room.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yeah, I luckily have my own room.. I can't imagine trying to live with me. Lol

For me, driving at night with my music just a little too loud is the most inspirational thing ever. :]

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yeah. I tend to do the same thing about getting up out of bed to write stuff. I now just keep a lamp near my bed along with a note book. Haha.

I also tend to write a lot while I drive..So I have a gazillion badly scrawled ramblings in my journal written in the dark while driving home from work and such.