About Me
My name is Caroline, and I've been writing for about 10 years. I mainly focus on horror, but when I write it really depends on my mood. I'm not an angry or dark person, but I have thoughts which need a medium to be discarded, and writing is basically my brain regurgitating. When I write poetry, it can be in Haiku format and about nature, but aside from that it's normally free-verse. I love the outdoors, and I tend to write, not only in poetry but also in my novels, about outdoor scenery more than indoor...
I like to think I'm a descriptive writer, but I usually limit myself so I can write a few well-developed key points, rather than a bunch of fragmented descriptions.
I'm 23 years old and my writing is still progressing, I do not believe I have reached a point where any of my work is actually good enough for publishing, but I hope that I will get to that point sometime in my life.
My favorite poet is Walt Whitman, and I especially loved "Leaves of Grass". I plastered my favorite quotes onto my notebooks and memorized a few of my favorite poems.
Pensive and faltering,
The words the dead I write,
For living are the dead
(Haply the only living the only real,
And I the apparition, I the spectre.)
-Pensive and Faltering: Walt Whitman
I have several favorite fiction authors, namely Mary Downing Hahn, Christopher Pike, and Joan Lowery Nixon, but I love many more.