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�This world needs a revolution. You and I are the chosen ones.�
A call for revolution. This is what you will find in I am � Absolute freedom, the debut offering from silviamick. Straightforward and direct, the perfect epitome for this original and provocative mix of memoir, journal, contemporary philosophy, self-help and all-round attack on society and its subtle Program, masterminded to make us all slaves of a system ruled by phony values, hypocrisy and unbearable political correctness. �Nowadays, the power you have is measured against how many people's rights you are allowed to crush�.
It's an ode to individuality, because �a falling tree makes some noise even if there's nobody around to hear it. Otherwise we'll always have to wait for somebody to acknowledge us to know that we're real.�
And it's a visceral ode to being your whole self and not being scared of it. �Stop adoring idols and become your own idol. Stop trying to affirm yourself through somebody else, an ideology, a religion, through your kids or your friends. Affirm yourself through yourself.�

silviamick makes no apologies for taking strong stands; in fact, she continually asserts her right to do so. School, family, friendship, love, sex, feminism, stereotypes, the relationship between Man and Woman, personal evolution, freedom, violence, respect, abortion, TV commercials, structured religions, hypocrisy and the Higher self are just some of the universal themes addressed in this stormy rock trip, full of insightful quotations ranging from Metallica to James Joyce. As a result of her emergent enlightenment, silviamick invites the reader to declare their own independence and to join her in piercing the facade of social commonality in order to see through the Program, defeat common sense and start thinking (and living) for real. �Clich�s. Clich�s make us blind, incapable to see things how they really are. Because all we�re able to see and discuss is how things are SUPPOSED to be, how they SHOULD be in a perfect world, populated by perfect people who behave in perfect ways. And reality isn�t like it. Reality is this s**t we have to go through everyday of our life. Reality should be our everything and we spend our lives running away from it and hiding behind clich�s. Behind what somebody else has been so smart to make us believe our life�s all about. Behind horoscopes, hoping that that conjunction Sun-Venus can really change our life or terrified that the opposition Pluto-Whatever can really make it worse. Behind everything that takes away from us the responsibility of failure. Behind idols and role models, assuming their identity to run away from ourselves, when the only way to run away from this s**t we�re into is being ourselves and start to change what we don�t like about us and our life instead of go on dreaming or getting angry and mad because our life isn�t like we�d love it to be.�

I Am - Absolute Freedom is not for the faint of heart; timidity is certainly not among silviamick's chief traits. The book is a well-written, enjoyable read, highly recommended for those seeking real answers to the lingering questions that have beset them for far too long. �Fight to be alive, to be free, to be finally able to say I AM without any kind of complement to follow. No more I am a woman, a man, rich, poor, successful, a failure, gay, hetero, a winner, a loser, a mother, a father, a lover, a husband, a wife, a girlfriend, a boyfriend, good, bad, fat, thin, smart, dumb, cool, a nerd, a saint, a prostitute, beautiful, ugly and anything else you want to add to the list. Just I AM. That's all we have. That's all we need.�

�In I Am - Absolute Freedom, silviamick takes the reader on an extended introspective journey, simultaneously exposing ageless cultural traditions and debunking the shoddy reasoning behind them. Her writing is sharp, her logic is seasoned, and her acerbically witty approach renders each of her points unforgettable � even if they ultimately offend you.� (Heather Slocumb, Apex Reviews)


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Help !

It has been so long.

Why must I wait ?

All I need to make my day


You have it


Just a

------- S M I L E -------

-----Eagle Cruagh

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Posted 16 Years Ago

10 Commandments of Friendship

1. Speak to People. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting.

2. Smile at People. It takes 72 muscles to frown, but only 14 to smile!

3. Call People by Name. The sweetest music to anyone's ear is the sound of his or her own name.

4. Be Friendly and Helpful. If you would have friends, be friendly.

5. Be Cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do were a real pleasure.

6. Be Genuinely Interested in People. You can like everyone if you try.

7. Be Generous with Praise, Cautious with Criticism. Praise will win out when it comes to gaining friends.

8. Be Considerate of the Feelings of Others. It will be appreciated.

9. Be Thoughtful of the Opinions of Others. People love their opinions as they do their own children, calling them ugly won't get you anything but anger.

10. Be Alert to Give Service. What counts most in life is what we do for others!

~ Author Unknown