Silera Martin

Silera Martin


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About Me

I haven't been writing for a long time, but when I first tried it out I found out that I love to express myself through words. I love to draw and listen to music to help me to get my emotions out instead of locking them away like I usually do. I like getting lost in a book while reading, to be completely gone from the real world. :) Imagining up my own stories is very relaxing too ,even though it's difficult for me to put it down in words. I have a hard time getting along my parents and little sister. We all been through a lot and instead of getting closer they managed to push me away. But I dont mind being alone, it's better than putting up pretenses in my own house. I'm considered the black sheep in the family now. At school I put up many pretenses and I'm not proud of it, but it's hard to let people know the real me. . .But somehow I managed to obtaine a small group of really trustworhy and loyal friends. :) My hobbies (reading, writing, drawing, and listening to music) and my friends are the only things that help me get through each day. They also give me something to look foward too. :)


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Posted 14 Years Ago

I know how you feel! STUPID SCHOOL!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

YUP and without permission lol

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Well hey, you're here now! :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Okay, so that poem Esoteric State Of Mind was hard to understand, mostly because it spoke vaguely and metaphorically. Mostly, it was talking about how everyone has their own set of strong beliefs and that we are prejudiced against those who don't see the same way. Then it randomly mentioned time and how we're wasting, which I guess could refer to wasting time in conflict...It was odd. (lol) Are you going to do this alot? I mean, read something and then ask me to decode it? (Lol)