sienna : Writing

Weak Matches

Weak Matches

A Poem by sienna

It is like wind, unseen but known of its presence.A touch, a gust, so lethal it chills your spine.It sweeps forgotten flakes of misery flecked upon yo..
Binding Mal-ena

Binding Mal-ena

A Story by sienna

This fictional short story is a twist on the secrets of the galaxy and fanatical characters with gods and goddesses and traits gathered from the sun a..
Tasting Copper

Tasting Copper

A Poem by sienna

My take on desire in the world, enjoy. ;)
The Night of Two Lillies

The Night of Two Lillies

A Story by sienna

This is my fictional dark short story thats kinda a touch on fantasy, enjoy! ;)
Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

A Story by sienna

This is a short story regarding one of my lucid dream experiences, it is one of many, and I wrote it in a way that foreshadows things and adds a hint ..
discover yourself

discover yourself

A Poem by sienna

This poem is about finding the resilience to keep persevering in your life and what it takes to know who you are, enjoy. ;)