Hitomi : Writing

01 - Innocence

01 - Innocence

A Chapter by Hitomi

#1 i n n o c e n c e "To all our passengers, we are shortly arriving in Tokyo station. Exit doors will be on the right side of this train. Ple..
547 Service

547 Service

A Book by Hitomi

547 SERVICE was just another band trying to make it big in the visual rock scene. But trying to be the next big thing isn't as fun as it seems. At lea..
01 - Prominence

01 - Prominence

A Chapter by Hitomi

Chapter One Prominence Like every district in Tokyo, roads and sidewalks would be congested every morning in downtown Akihabara. Amid tall ..
The Assassin

The Assassin

A Book by Hitomi

She was the girl who could never be bought, and he was the guy who never took no for an answer. When a girl becomes a witness to a murder, she is offe..