I am
Shreyas Tripathy, a student who is pursuing engineering in the discipline, Computer Science Engineering.
I have always had a creative side in me. Its just that i never had a platform or the exposure that was required to assess my Abilities.
I am a member of the group MIRACLE BOND, the writer's group of Miracle E-Zine
MIRALE E-ZINE Official Website
I am also featured in the Issue 2 of the GZine in the Featured Novelist section ...
GZine Official Website
Check out the Featured Novelist tab !
Along side Poetry writing, I write songs, short stories and novella,I love to sketch, Compose Background Music and am interested in Photography too.
Check out my
DeviantArt account !!!
Internet today has given me the ability to show my work to a wider eye-ball population and help me nourish it by their valuable critique.
I hope all the things i share are worthy of your attention and please leave some feed back as i am very eager to learn and improve my writing.
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Say Hi to me on Youtube !!!