busymommy04 : Writing

Wanting You

Wanting You

A Poem by busymommy04

early morning romance


A Poem by busymommy04

ForgetForget himforget his faceForget his kisshis warm embrace,Forget the love that you once knewremember he has someone newForget the times he held y..
The Simple Life

The Simple Life

A Story by busymommy04

The Simple LifeGrowing up in Northampton County is great. Life has been simple and easy so far, even though it's going to be easy anyway seeing as how..
Why I started writing...

Why I started writing...

A Story by busymommy04

a little story about how and why I started writing.
What to do with TWO?!

What to do with TWO?!

A Story by busymommy04

this was a story i wrote in a contest I entered where you had to write a story on how you've managed to keep romance in your relationship after parent..