How I long to hear Her sweet bell ringing,And see Her pointed crown held high once moreHer outstretched arms desperately clinging, To the disparaged s..
The opening to a project
As 2016 enters its final act and prepares to close the curtains on another year, I am reminded as I sit with my family, wrappedin the warmth of the ho..
Screaming from the inside,
Shouting vehemently to the masses
Refusing to succumb to the vile indifference
Of venomous souls spiraling aiml..
I usually awaken first, while the room is still darkand the audacious sun's light hasn't yet disturbed our peaceful nest.And though she is unaware, I ..
I've lived life in the fast lane,down back alley ways, that you would never dare venture,I've seen hell, injected, over and over, day after day,I've s..
The Music of Our LivesIt’s getting late-but the hour glass is broken,Because the sand beneath our feet flows much faster,Than the hands upon the..
I couldn't wait to grow up, I was a restless youthAnxious to see the world I had read so often about but never seenI wanted to see in color, and this ..
I'm breaking over and over into a thousand pieces,Pieces of myself, my soul, dispatched across all of creation,In an instant all that was so loved and..
A recent experience of mine