About Me
I am a singer, writer, poet, dreamer, believer.....
I am an unconventional poet who has been writing rhyme since the age of five. I enjoy all styles of poetry. I write by ear not syllable count and for me it works. I chose to push the envelope. I color outside the lines and art is born. Most love my gift but some do not. If you take time to get to know me you will find I am 100 percent authentic and would do anything for a friend.
About Me? Besides my passion for writing I love music, singing, taking pictures, yellow roses, carousels and carousel horses, walking in the rain and long walks on the beach.. I am married with children ..
I have been writing all my life mostly for my own enjoyment. I am currently working on my first novel ....
I do not write because I chose it, I write because it chose me..