Shafaz : Writing

A Deadman's Song

A Deadman's Song

A Poem by Shafaz

Meant to be sung with a jolly tune.
The Boy I Once Knew

The Boy I Once Knew

A Poem by Shafaz

I once knew a boy who had no eyes His light brown orbs were his sisters’. A sister dead with a hole in her heart Would not let go of his si..
The Legless Man

The Legless Man

A Poem by Shafaz

The legless man walks onDown this old cobblestone roadAlley twists and turns lead himFurther along the broken stone."Why the hurry?" pigeons floc..


A Poem by Shafaz

The fear of revealing one's self.


A Story by Shafaz

A (very) short story that takes place in the same universe as my poem Happiness.


A Poem by Shafaz

A poem which depicts a scene from a fictional story that I have not yet penned.