On Tom Cannon's first day at Lakeside High he gets into trouble with the school's bully, makes some new friends and starts his new life in Los Angeles..
Following his return to school after getting beat up by Gavin, Marie drags Tom and Andrew to the Baseball field to watch the pre team practice where h..
Student Council election begins and Tom takes an interest in the running vice president Darcy offering his help in any way possible. When her opponent..
Tom, Andrew, Michael, Marie, Kyle and Sarah all continue to help Darcy after school by paining a mural for the school and hanging up posters. Andrew a..
Tom spends the day at the Johnson house for the first time and meets his family.
Andrew, Michael and Marie encourage Tom to take up an extracurricular activity. When Courtney overhears Tom acting she encourages him to try out for t..
Junior Link Crew members Kim & Tim offer to change Andrew and Michael after watching them since the beginning of the year and thinking they need a cha..
Andrew and Michael follow Tom home and visit the Cannon house for the first time. The three boys spend the day playing and having fun.
Tom's best friend, Drake, joins in a school festival to come to Lakeside High for the week and meets Tom's new friends.
Tom participates in his first play as a knight to save Courtney. Then as the week moves on, the Crew spend their last night with Drake at a Halloween ..