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Samantha Hartley : Writing

Fall of All Seasons

Fall of All Seasons

A Story by Samantha Hartley

Fal For Al Seasons: Considered for this season's best publications
Chapter 1: Peanut Butter Eyes

Chapter 1: Peanut Butter Eyes

A Chapter by Samantha Hartley

Chapter 1 of God Wears Camo, a story about four characters who switch vignettes between chapters: a writer, a homosexual, a veteran, and a minster. Al..
Chapter 2: The Unspoken Words of Photographs

Chapter 2: The Unspoken Words of Photographs

A Chapter by Samantha Hartley

Chapter 2 from God Wears Camo
Chapter 3: The Act of Getting It

Chapter 3: The Act of Getting It

A Chapter by Samantha Hartley

Chapter 3 of my novel God Wears Camo
God Wears Camo

God Wears Camo

A Book by Samantha Hartley

four characters who switch vignettes between chapters: a writer, a homosexual, a veteran, and a minster: all their lives interconnect
Good Arms Vs. Bad Arms

Good Arms Vs. Bad Arms

A Story by Samantha Hartley

Essay from novel


A Poem by Samantha Hartley

My slam publication
Dear Artist

Dear Artist

A Story by Samantha Hartley

A creative narrative letter from a girl writing to a musician who helped her get through an illness.
Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds

A Poem by Samantha Hartley

This is my first ever published piece of writing from years ago. Thanks!
The Story of Us

The Story of Us

A Poem by Samantha Hartley

A love poem

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