Seth Welch

Seth Welch


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albuquerque, WY, China
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About Me

Hi i'm Seth. I really just got into this whole thing because i wanted to comment on my sister's writing. Anyway, my personality is pretty flexible, i'm usually off in space, and i like a little of everything from time to time. I like to read philosophy, and i thought up my own little piece the other day. Its like this... If there is a question of whether or not there is a way, then a way exists.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Post some more writing or i'm gonna kick your a*s!!!!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm going to call you out on that "then a way exists" philosophy. Maybe in politics and social science. Certainly in religious fantasies. But in mathematics and hard science, that statement is completely false. For example, the Greeks sought to find ratio of whole numbers that would give the square root of two for centuries. Some people who were thinking a little bit outside the box even questioned if there was a way to express the square root of two as a ratio of whole numbers. There actually is not way to do this. A way does not exist--they eventually learned that the number is infact irrational.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

you should post more, seth. i've seen your writing, and i think more people should! do iiit...

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Posted 17 Years Ago


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Posted 17 Years Ago

That totally rules man.