people harbor some ingrained belief that magic exists. Whether its
magic in the traditional sense or the magic of a child's smile,
humans h..
Stella has moved from city to city since she was eight. Now she's turning thirteen and she's ready for some normalcy. But when Stella learns she's a..
“I don't think I'm ready for this,”
she said, her blue eyes skewering me. I hated doing this to her, but
it was necessary. You ..
As the figure emerged from the brush, I stepped in front of Mia
protectively. He had a hood pulled tightly over his face, hiding his
features, bu..
He crossed the tent in seconds,
pushing me backwards with the bulk of his weight. I stumbled, but
caught my footing, ever thankful for the years of..
Nessa remembers the night of her father's death; Mia may have compromised their plans.
A post apocalyptic young adult novel following two teens on a search for life after the end of everything they had known.
told herself she couldn't think about him. She had never been
the type of girl to go crazy over the first boy to give her a smile;
As Jenna walked into work
the next day, she was excited that she would be working a shift long
enough to take a break. It might seem silly to some,..
He stood by the fireplace, his back to the door,
seemingly lost in thought. Orange light flickered across his morose
face, handsome and dark at..