| Potter Poetry Jul 24, 2007 - Sep 15, 2007 Win 1000 Galleons and a free trip to Hogsmead |
I read a lot of fantasy books, and I want to write one of my own someday. I have a pretty good start on it, chapters will be posted as I finish them. So far, this is what I have:
To Kill a Sunless Dawn (working title)
Chap. 1 - Prince of the Blood
Chap. 2 - Fear
Chap. 3 - Avarice
Chap. 4 - A Once and Future Home (in progress)
R.A. Salvatore, J.K. Rowling, & Mercedes Lackey top the list of my favorite authors, with Jennifer Fallon & David Eddings coming in a close second. And in no particular order I also love Sara Douglass, Raymond Feist, Brian Herbert, Dan Brown, Margerate Weis, and Elain Cunningham.