Michael G. Smith : Writing

The Speculum is Broken

The Speculum is Broken

A Poem by Michael G. Smith

Chasing Youth
Miss Misery

Miss Misery

A Poem by Michael G. Smith

Thanks a lot Foo Fighrers
Hell In a Foxhole

Hell In a Foxhole

A Poem by Michael G. Smith

war is hell
Fiddler Player Play

Fiddler Player Play

A Poem by Michael G. Smith

Fiddle player Dance and dance Kick up your heals With ants in your pants Or bees that sting While tapping your toes Dancin..
A Cold Breath...

A Cold Breath...

A Poem by Michael G. Smith

The fog of war
Faith vs. Science

Faith vs. Science

A Poem by Michael G. Smith

There are hidden laws of nature and also spiritual laws that meet at some point but it takes work on our part to discover them.


A Poem by Michael G. Smith

How I feel when I read poetry I just don't get
Thanks To Dylan

Thanks To Dylan

A Poem by Michael G. Smith

Poet man, storyteller the music you wroteNever quite turned me onBut you kept it comin' as a train movin' 'longSomehow the words you saidFound a way i..
Ghost Town

Ghost Town

A Poem by Michael G. Smith

Pains of relationships