Scott Kelly

Scott Kelly


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Austin, TX
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About Me

I've written novels most of my life - I finished my first one when I was fifteen. It sucked; so did the next two or three. Then I went to college and got a degree in English and slowly my novels got better, until now we're on number eight and I think we're doing pretty good. One of my novels, Jimwamba, was published in 2006 by Flame Books and I'm following that success with my new books Frightened Boy, [sic], and Ten Minutes to Midnight. Each are literary entries into separate genres - Dystopian, young-adult, and urban fantasy, respectively. However, the focus of the books remains on philosophical themes, character interaction and personal truth.

I recently had a spat of good luck in the contests, etc., that I had entered, and received representation from two new agents - Deborah Warren and Rubin Pfeffer of East-West Literary Agency.


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Posted 3 Years Ago

you still on here?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

i am deleting this account it is no more this is my new one i believe llittlelilypurplebride. god bless lily

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Espionage: An American Tale
The Garden
My Thoughts
Recipes NEW
The Expectant Mother, Part 2 NEW
The Non-Wedding NEW
The Expectant Mother NEW
Abbey & Marcus: A High School Non-Love Story NEW
Out My Window NEW
Dream a Little Dream NEW
Hello NEW
Voices NEW
Sierra Mist
Once Upon A Time
Opinion Piece

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Posted 14 Years Ago

:-( Hope you feel better soon.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for the high dept review. If only all reviews could be like that, =).

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Send kindness

Send a little kindness out into the world today. And it will grow. The kindness you give never goes away. The more you give, the more you have.
Genuine kindness is one of the best investments you can make. For your return on the investment of kindness has no limit.

Even when it seems that others don't appreciate the kindness you offer, it has much value. Though it may not be noticed at first, true kindness cannot continue to be ignored for long.

In kindness, there is a power, a level of confidence and self assurance that is difficult to deny. Even when all else has failed, kindness can make a difference precisely because it speaks with such strength.

Send a little kindness out into the world today. And you'll create real value that cannot be denied.

-- Ralph Marston

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Posted 14 Years Ago

You were right-on when you said that I figure out the details of the story as I write. When I write I have an endpoint in mind and just work toward it. I did that in my first book, and it did not work out well at all. So far though, its the only way I know how to write.

Some of the detail you described are worked out later in the story, but I'm going to try to develop the character Donahue better, so that his reaction to the dead body will make more sense.

I am very grateful for all the help you've already provided and will take any advice you have to offer. Thanks again.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks for the review, it was great and the exact reason I joined site like this.
I will absolutely take into consideration all of the points you made when I go through and edit it.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for adding me -- I'm very appreciative.
I read the prologue of your book and was very interested. So I downloaded the PDF from your website with plans of it being the next book I read. I'll try to get a review of it to you by the end of the week.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks for the add :-)