About Me
Robert Lloyd is vagabond and adventurist. He is truly a jack of all trades and a master of none. He’s done a little of everything from serving ten years in the military while working in human and animal medicine, to having attended five different colleges and universities. He is now working as a cost analyst for an environmental engineering firm while living in San Antonio Texas. He is a true example of the restless generation that came of age in the 90’s. Born in 1974 in Germany to a Puerto Rican father and a German mother, he has traveled the globe far and wide and has only managed to call Texas home because that is where he has been the longest. The one thing that he has as a constant in his life is his friends and his joy of writing. He is a scribbler by heart and has always turned to words to better express himself. Robert doesn’t look for fame or accomplishment he is just a free spirit that loves sharing his thoughts with others. No matter that those thoughts may not be the best or that they don’t fit into some sort of rule. Robert writes for pleasure and personal release, should anyone cling to his words along the way then he is all the more blessed.