Satish Verma : Writing

After The Assault

After The Assault

A Poem by Satish Verma

The hurt of a game. Myth has played with the─


A Poem by Satish Verma

While delaying gratification, you stripped-down
Winter Script

Winter Script

A Poem by Satish Verma

The lust overtakes the content.
Sneaking Desires

Sneaking Desires

A Poem by Satish Verma

The pursuit of a rainbow in the tiger sanctuary.
A Smile Was Raped

A Smile Was Raped

A Poem by Satish Verma

A pinch of moon in the glass of my wine.
Crossing The Road

Crossing The Road

A Poem by Satish Verma

You flock to a set trap. A bubble.
Stoking A Flame

Stoking A Flame

A Poem by Satish Verma

In raw blackness you want to find fireflies
Abusing Self

Abusing Self

A Poem by Satish Verma

Starting a blaze in rape crime.


A Poem by Satish Verma

Deceived several times, you err again, and


A Poem by Satish Verma

There was no clear move. Flamethrowers were on the way─