Satish Verma : Writing

Speaking One's Thought

Speaking One's Thought

A Poem by Satish Verma

Not able to sing─ you have become the song.


A Poem by Satish Verma

One hazel moon of November. I was thinking
Holy Bath

Holy Bath

A Poem by Satish Verma

The smiling god, sitting on the throne


A Poem by Satish Verma

Standing knee deep in water invoking the sun god


A Poem by Satish Verma

Aggravated injury, after a man tries
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Sharp Murals

Sharp Murals

A Poem by Satish Verma

Nevermore you will talk of the forked tongue.
Crisis Moment

Crisis Moment

A Poem by Satish Verma

Stakeholders, are coming. There was conflict between
Something Dressy

Something Dressy

A Poem by Satish Verma

A kingfisher would like to have no borders,
Soothing Candor

Soothing Candor

A Poem by Satish Verma

The absolute had become contentious.
The Stinging Withdrawl

The Stinging Withdrawl

A Poem by Satish Verma

Barefoot you reach for candidacy to