disclaimer: I do not do self harm and you should not do it either!
I am panicking,I am crying,I am lying on the floor dying.I am scared,Truly terrified.Epitome of real life.When you are dying on the ground,But no one ..
A star has fallen today.From the highest peak,To the deepest ravine.From Mt. Everest,To the Mariana Trench.It fell from the sky,And crashed through th..
A tear rolls down my face,As my lip quivers,And my body shakes,I gasp for air but I am drowning,Drowning in my own misery,Is what I would say,But toda..
I am trapped,Trapped in a vicious cycle,A cycle of forcing a pill down my throat,And as I gasp for air,I force it down with water.I am trapped,Trapped..
Under the mask,I am a mess,I am broken,Scarred,And worst of all damagedUnder the mask,I am not tough,I am scared to be hurt again,Lied to again,By the..
It is ok,Do not cry,I tell myself the same thing all the time.Pretend I am not here,Just keep playing my games.Do not listen to the people around me,P..
Why is it that if we are different,We hide it?Like if anyone knew we were different,We would be outcasts.Separated from society,Rejected by the world...
March 13th 2008, the day that changed everything. Riding my bike home in the street seemed like a good idea at the time. I thought my mother was being..