Sarah Lynn : Writing

Fucked Up Feelings

Fucked Up Feelings

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

Ya know what pisses me off? The fact that I actually give a f**k. That I actually care about peoples feelings. While others could care less, just ..
I Died That Day

I Died That Day

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

Inspired by a movie I once saw
This Is Not Me

This Is Not Me

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

I feel like crap, just thought you should know.Its normal for me to not let my feelings show.Don't take it personal its just how I am.Always turning d..
The Little Ghost Girl

The Little Ghost Girl

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

The little ghost girl,She is my only friend.I know somehow this isn't right, the reason being that she is dead.She keeps me company though.I never lik..
You'll Never Be Good Enough

You'll Never Be Good Enough

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

You'll never be good enough, you're just not that fitYou have crooked teeth and you have a thin upper lip.You'll never be good enough, you're just not..
The One Night Stand

The One Night Stand

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

I see him watching me , with those devilish eyes.Studying every inch of my body.He's so mysterious, but in all the right ways.His eyes; piercing grey...
People Suck

People Suck

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

I'm done with love , its nothing but a joke.You'll feel like everything's going the right way till something comes barreling along,Causing you to free..
You'll Never Be Perfect

You'll Never Be Perfect

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

Pretty much me


A Poem by Sarah Lynn

Just something i did because its always fun to make erotic poems


A Poem by Sarah Lynn

I'm just a little spun out a bitMy lips are chapped, I have a twitchI'm just a little spun out a bitBeen up for days, my eyes are wideNothing to do, l..