Sarah Lynn

Sarah Lynn


The writers block is REAL. I need some inpiration ! :/

Rochester, NY
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

20 Years Old !
I love to just go out and have fun with my friends and boyfrined . I used to write a lot but sort of lost my way , hopefully this will get me started again!
Very happy person whose just a bit confused with life <3
Poetry seems to set me free, I could honestly write all day.
Making new friends is always fun so add me !
Follow me on twitter as well if you would like @imdreaming7
And on Instagram @sarahlynn82409
Have a great day everyone and keep writing !(:


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Posted 10 Years Ago

truly experience the beauty of who you are for doing so will create and shape realities that will make your life a carnival of inspiration where you pursue your passions and share your gifts freely. "

MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One

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Posted 11 Years Ago

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Posted 11 Years Ago

“The stars are but tears shed by a myriad of unrequited dreams;
Each sparks with fire and guides its light homeward when a dream is revealed”

When you are young your dreams are innocent
When you are older and wiser your dreams are more vivid
Yet no matter the age dreams give you that feeling of time standing still so that your mind can embrace the dream...

Dream tonight, embrace the innocence and be compelled to write about it through your writings....oh what a challenge that would be :)

Have a poetic Sunday
Sweet good nights to you.....
Silent Serenity aka Raven Shadows

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Posted 11 Years Ago