Sarah Jane : Writing

Only You

Only You

A Poem by Sarah Jane

Somethin' i thought would be fun to write. Listening To: Words - Skylar Grey


A Poem by Sarah Jane

Poem I found tucked away from 2011. WOW! Anyway, i'm pretty sure this was one of those dark days... And I have it down as the form of a Tanka 5-7-5-7-..


A Poem by Sarah Jane

Something quick that I jotted down. figured I should post.
Nothing to Say

Nothing to Say

A Story by Sarah Jane

Writers Prompt: Mini story that begins with, "They had nothing to say to each other..."
Backyard of Broken Dreams

Backyard of Broken Dreams

A Poem by Sarah Jane

My backyard has fallen into disarray since my parents split. Even more so because it's that time between fall & winter and everything's gloomy.