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Sarah Flynn : Writing

A Mistake

A Mistake

A Poem by Sarah Flynn

Five days Two hours Ten minutes Thirty Seconds Thirty seconds to remember All the promises you made All the things you vowed not to do One ..


A Poem by Sarah Flynn

Maybe Just maybe She is beautiful Because her hips sway As her feet glide across the glimmering floor And her breasts bounce with the vibrancy of..
Dear Anorexia

Dear Anorexia

A Poem by Sarah Flynn

Watch my reflection blur As water flounders in my eyes And the mirror dissipate As my broken knees hit the floor Place your fingers on my hip And..
My Red Bracelet

My Red Bracelet

A Poem by Sarah Flynn

On my wrist is a bracelet Of the deepest shade of red Fluid and straight It stains my skin And cuts deep into my flesh Handcrafted with loneline..


A Poem by Sarah Flynn

Kisses pressed upon her breast Scratches streaked across her thigh I love you! I roared Passion screaming through my cries Protect me I love y..