Sarah Gale

Sarah Gale


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Montreal, QC, Canada
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About Me

I am just a girl who loves putting pen to paper.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Posted 18 Years Ago

hope all is well!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi, Everyone:

I wish you a happy holidays and best wishes. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to look at my page, any reviews or comments. I am taking a semi-break and will be back in full force in January 2007.

Happy Holidays,
Scott Grant Eckert

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good afternoon!

Have you heard of �mapping�? It is a technique, to develop fictional writing. Mostly used for story/novel writing, but it can also be applied to poetry. It is a great way to develop your creativity and find new sources of inspiration.

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #11

Have fun!


Val J.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good morning!

We had the pleasure of enjoying some wonderful pieces for the last challenge. Oxymorons can certainly be fun!

Now this week�s challenge is a little different.

As writers, we have to play many different roles to successfully market our works. From sales persons, to marketers, to advertisers we have to manage to develop a series of skills to promote our work and make sure someone gets to read it. I believe as writers, our ultimate goal is to have someone to �listen� to what we have to say.

What would you say if you had to sell a concept that people do not think about too often? Concepts that are embedded deep inside of us, and that as writers we usually ponder many times. How would you make someone �buy� them?

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #10

I hope you have fun and enjoy it.

Have a great day!


Val J.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good morning!

The last challenge was short, but we all got some good laughs out of it. Hope you got to enjoy reading some of them. ;)

Have you heard of oxymorons? They make for some great word play. Check the new challenge and see for yourself!

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #9

Life gets crazy sometimes, and we can�t always participate by creating. But remember to stop by and show your fellow writers some support by voting near the end of the week. You have time to post until Sunday, and to vote until Monday 2pm EST.

I hope you are having a great day!


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good morning!

I hope your week is going great. This week�s challenge is arriving a little late due to some technical difficulties, but it�s here and ready for you to have some fun.

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #8

Since we have time to post until Sunday, this challenge is very short but it will require some creativity and a sense of humor ;)

If you can�t participate, remember to drop by and show your support to the ones who are posting, by voting on your favorite piece.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good afternoon!

If you have not had a chance to participate on Challenge #7, you still have time until Sunday.

Take a look at the pieces posted, they are excellent!

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #7

Remember voting takes place until Monday 2pm, and then the �winner� piece will be featured for the week, in its deserved place of honor ;) If you can�t participate, we would still love to hear your voice by voting for the pieces posted :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good morning!

Did you get to see the responses to Challenge #6? The messages that everyone developed were excellent, very powerful. Everyone managed to represent so much of our culture in so little words!

Challenge #7 is up now. Have you heard of �Le Parisiene Motel�? It�s a cheap youth hostel, with a lot happening around 1943. Check it out and see what you can come up with ;)

Underground Writers Network ~ Challenge #7

Remember, if you don�t have time to take on the challenge, there�s always a chance to make your voice be heard around the weekend when it�s voting time.

Have fun creating!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Good morning!

It�s Friday again. Isn�t that awesome? Ah, nothing like the weekend to enjoy some time of relaxation and having fun with our close ones.

This week�s challenge is still up, and a few of our fellow writers have posted some great works! If you�d still like to post a piece, you still have time.

The writers that have already posted need your votes for us to decide all together which piece to feature as the �winner� Just select your favorite and let us know on the forum. We�ll add up the votes and post the winner on Monday.

"List of Participant Pieces" Let�s Vote ;)

Hope you have a wonderful day!