Sam Summers

Sam Summers


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Newcastle, United Kingdom
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Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh don't worry, I'm totally the kind of guy I'm taking the piss out of too. Cheers for the review.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

The Pagemasters---2nd Contest 2009
Jan 31, 2009 - Mar 1, 2009

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Posted 16 Years Ago

pretty similar...
I'm in a dead festive mood and even made gingerbread today!xD
schools finished for me thankgod.
we talk all the time!^^
hes a great guy!
we're going to meet up soon.
got any plans for christmas?
whats on your list?:)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hello love
how have things been lately?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

all brilliant things to hear love!!!!
Hope school goes alright.....<3
I adore wee random cafes full of character myself!
got plans for the week?
listened to any good songs as of late or read anything good?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I'm like the mouse in the tea pot that just sleeps all the time.
went as donnie darko! xD
trying to do homework unsucessfully too......D:
a lot of stuff happened this week which was weird....
how was your week?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hello love!
how the devil are things?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

same with me :|
just now its raining not cats and dogs but lions and wolves :| h
its kinda nice and cosy at home.all I'd need now is cocoa and I'd be off my head on happiness!
I have an obssesion with notebooks,diaries and such.
I have about 10 I've bought over the last few years and I really want to fill them with my unreadable handwritting.
my dreams are always bizzare :|
write,study for a shitey maths test on wednesday,read and shite like that.
dunno If I'll get a chance to go out tommorow :/

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Posted 16 Years Ago

same here.
I had a very hard time last night and I'm home alone.
I went and let our pets out the back at around 5am as I could'nt sleep and was supposed to feed was still dark but the sky was beautiful and there were stars.It made the freezing cold worthwhile.
now I'm having a scrubs fest!:B
what are your plans for sunday?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hello love <3
how have you been lately?