all's well in hell,we're halfway thereand hopingfor sweet release.so god bless calamity,catastrophe,and the weekend warpathswe forge in lightof findin..
i am known nowfor never leavingmy overpriced,ludicrously smallapartment.the friends i once called familyare out of stateor out of sortsand i don't rec..
I drown in the dissipationof the written word,as its purity is marredby digital oblivionand the ruptured grammaticalnaysaying it entails.streamlined c..
all at once,Nothing has changed,Everything has declined,balancing on the cruxof Recession and Escalation.my pockets grow leaner,my face more contorted..
I have seen the most beautiful handscrack and divide, confined bypapercut purgatory,debit diaspora,and all of the holiest misgivingspromised by the am..
never trustsoccer moms in vans adornedwith christian bumper stickers,they were c**k mongersin their twenties.
never trustwell groomed men in spotle..
lifeless libertinein pursuit of nothingness,i wished upon a fallen barand got everythingi never wanted.and only the lonesome casanovasunderstand what ..
aging clocks whisper meinto delirium,i cry for my grandmabut my grandma has died.i have her song tattooedon my arm,i sing it deep from myribs,hoping s..
my sweat stained collarsings the blues,dialing 9 to 5on deadbeat 45's,my dusty old recordswon't catch our slack.we kill timeand Springsteenwith smoke ..
I look into his eyesand see a fatter,meaner,more unsatisfied fuckthan i hoped i'd ever haveto meet.