I questioned Heaven,
Asked what grain of worth
Might this life of mine,
Artless and uneventful,
Mean in the grand scheme of things.
When soldiers die, a nation sadly mourns
heroes who will never return.
If only their sacrifice ended wars,
allowed boys to grow old,
again last night
I walked the streets
of Crystal City,
spent timelessness
with dear family saints
I used to know,
then dawn slid light
seem to race from us
as if they have somewhere to go
unlike hours
that travel slowly across time;
yet in retrospect, they too
fly by..
wounds in time will heal
we dwell on their ugliness
the torn ragged skin
the fear
that scars will teach us nothing
love is an investment
we make in youth
hoping in old age
it will pay dividends
to life
are not forthcoming
unless we know how
to ask questions,
word them
a way
they make sense
to those we ask
and know first..
deer in my headlights,
lost from your prance to the woods,
we all find our way
on the pond’s surface
lily pads ride the ripples
of the mirrored moon
JANgle your pocket coins,
FEBrile contact with hard metal:
MARket fare to flash out there.
APpreciating life beyond loot
MAY earn you value po..