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Salutations Arrivals

Warning ! This Page is an Experiment

This page will be in progress for whatever length it takes me.

TO BE CONTINUED.............


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Posted 10 Years Ago

Salutations Arrivals

Warning ! This Page is an Experiment

This page will be in progress for whatever length it takes me.
This page is created for My Personal Freedom of Expression and Sharing of MINDED others.

I created this page to be free and free from some others.
I'm making New Rules for how I want to Play here on W/C
This is My Playground and I'd like it to be fun, for myself and others.
I have never in my life lived for myself.
I put my needs and wants last.
Well how did it work?
Well it isn't, doesn't and won't ever.
I need to read what I want to Read
Go where I want to go
Comment on what I want to
Here, you also have that freedom
So Here it is ! Here I am ! In my new Paradise.

Welcome to Paradise..... Please feel free to be as free as you like here too.
If It doesn't fit my idea of paradise no problem. I'll send you a Curtain Hook. I also have delete buttons and Blocker buttons if need be.
I'm new at this.. so I might seem a bit too cold at first. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it after awhile. Boy I
I can't wait to get started.
Oh Ya might as well know upfront.
My idea of Paradise does not include the following:
Druggies, sexual deviants, including the mixed wire syndromes,
Plagiarists, suicidal depressives,or Grammar Hounds.
I don't wear tight clothes and I don't like tight sentences.
I'm soon to be 54 and prefer around my age or up.
Please No teenagers.
If you are a constant cutter please seek help elsewhere.
I am not qualified.
My personal advice would be to use a sharper knife.
Or go play the lotto. If you win you will quickly see how fast you can be healed.
To BE CONTINUED.............