About MeI'm 21, and am a former Creative Writing and English student at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth where I was fortunate enough to be taught by (among others) Jem Poster, Matthew Francis, and Tiffany Attkinson. However I originally hail from Scunthorpe in North Lincolnshire, UK.
I'm A Freelance Music Journalist, Writer, Photographer, DJ, clothing designer, as well as the resident film maker for La Columna the spanish civil war living history group (all of which I dont get paid for at the minute! *Hint, Hint!!!), with a terrible artistic temprement and prone to serious bouts of manic depression as a result. I'm currently working on my first Novella 'On The Edge of Paradise' - An exercise in "Post-Cyberpunk Fiction" As well as a collection of short stories under the working title 'Mad Dogs and Englishmen - Tales of Absinthe and Apathy' - Featuring introspective stream of conciousness, surreal and horror stories. When Do You Write?: I prefer to write between 12am and 5am. Though sometimes other commitments may force me to write in the early evening. Where Do You Write?: In my bedroom, in the living room, in coffee shops, on trains, by the sea, or in parks. Pen or Computer?: Both. Pen for when I'm on the move. Laptop for around the house. Silence or Music?: Music. I find it easier to concentrate if there is somekind of music beween my ears and the natural ambience of the modenr world - Preferably some kind of instumental Metal / Industrial track. That said if there is nobody about, the sounds of nature will suffice. How Do You Start a Story?: I'll sketch out a rough idea for a scenario, world, character etc. And then start writing in my head the first 1000-2000 words. When I'm satisfied with that I'll write it down, and then lett the story progress organically. And Finish?: Sometimes I'll know exactly what will happen, sometimes only vaguely, and sometimes It just feels right to stop writing altogether. Do You Have Any Rituals or Superstitions?: I work best in little light I think, so I close all the curtains in the room I work in, and if i'm outside I sit with my back to the sun... A bottle of wine usually helps me too. Which Living Writer Do You Most Admire?: Neil Gaiman. What or Who Inspires You? Sometimes music, sometimes alcohol, sometimes a lack of sleep. Anything that opens up the door to my subconcious and allows the free flow of ideas, images... monsters. What Re-occurring Themes Seem To, Either Conciously or Unconsciously, Crop Up In Your Writing?: Madness, Alcohol/Substance abuse, Suicide, and Loss seem to occur alot. But I think these are everyday occurences that alot of people can relate to on some level or another, so whether it crops up from a concious decision or not, I feel that it can still add to the story. If You Didn't Write, What Would You Do?: I'd have learnt to have played the guitar like the rest of my friends. What's Your Guilty Reading Pleasure?: I don't feel guilty about it but it surprises alot of people that i'm a big fan of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Alice's Adventures Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, at my age. Comments