russ : Writing

moldy sunlight

moldy sunlight

A Poem by russ

Warmth, penetrating through vast expanses of empty darkness,Soaking into solid layers of opaque fabric and caressing my very skin,As if I were naked, ..
La Frontera del Cielo

La Frontera del Cielo

A Poem by russ

intro prospective epic poem for black sands
Black Sands

Black Sands

A Story by russ

chapter 1
Black Sands ch2

Black Sands ch2

A Story by russ

chapter 2
purple blanket

purple blanket

A Poem by russ

As the last lingering glimmers of day slowly sink and fade away,in a bright and fiery glowing display of colors seldom seen,Before the darkness takes ..
The Homefront

The Homefront

A Poem by russ

The realities of being a part of a society whose values are based on warmongering and slavery


A Poem by russ

the hour approaches
self help

self help

A Poem by russ

dark introspective criticism
Black Sands

Black Sands

A Story by russ

First chapter rough draft


A Poem by russ

As I see it anyway